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Parallel Port PIC-PIC18 Programmer

PIC programmers and PIC programming are the main topics on many websites. This page is the result of my intention to give my contribution to those efforts and to help the users of my PIC and PIC18 Simulator IDEs and their integrated basic compilers to get some basic information how to put the generated HEX code into a real microcontroller chip. The presented solution uses PC's parallel port for communication between the programming software and the simple programmer hardware.



The programming software packages are designed to look like OshonSoft IDE software. They even support color themes. The software is very easy to use and works on all Windows platforms. And it is free of charge. You can download the programming software setup packages here:

OshonSoft Parallel Port PIC Programmer software download link

OshonSoft Parallel Port PIC18 Programmer software download link

One nice feature of the programming software is that all supported devices specific information (including programming algorithms written in special symbolic language) is loaded from an external devices.txt file. The description of all the programming algorithms symbolic language elements is also provided. So, the users that are acquainted with the low-level programming details can easily add support for more microcontroller models.

OshonSoft Parallel Port PIC Programmer software:

OshonSoft Parallel Port PIC18 Programmer software:

Parallel Port PIC-PIC18 Programmer schematics: